Happy 2011!! And merry xmas too (although it's kindda late for xmas thing... hahaha) ^^v

Whew.. Hardly can believe it's another new year again! Time really flies so fast that I can't imagine I am going to be 23 this year. It's my sixth month too in the company (which I thought it's still my first month, lol). My boss gave me some quite remarkable words: '
you've been in the company for 6 months already, and without notice, suddenly it will become 6 years!" (Hahaha, so I'll be 29 y.o without notice, eh?? But I do really thank for the words, means a lot to me)

-White Shirt & Skinny Blue Jeans.. Now I like to wear Jeans to enjoy the casual days! hahaha-
Anyway, how did you spend the NY eve? I spent my time with my bf, eating sushi and watching fireworks. I somehow enjoy watching the fireworks, just like a little girl. But that makes the night different from the other night, right? Happy new year, guys! =P